The European Youth Parliament wants to offer a safe and welcoming environment for all its participants. To ensure this, we have several safe persons in our organisation who can be trusted with sensitive information, and a code of conduct our participants must sign.
Safety and Integrity
National Safe Person Luc Vorsteveld will serve as an independent contact person for all matters related to welfare and safety related to EYP the Netherlands, be it at events of EYP NL or in general. He is knowledgeable about the welfare policies that are currently in place and can report back to the International Safe Core Team if needed.
If something has happened to you that has impacted your wellbeing, be it at an event of EYP the Netherlands, or abroad as a participant or volunteer representing EYP NL, please feel free to contact Luc.
Please contact Luc if you want to know more about the welfare policies in place in the EYP, or if you want to speak about a matter of personal welfare related to EYP at [email protected] or by calling 087-7840302. For general inquiries you can also reach the Board of EYP the Netherlands at [email protected].
Event Safe People EYP The Netherlands has two Event Safe People (in Dutch: vertrouwenspersonen) who are present at every official event organised by EYP the Netherlands. They are present at these events for every participant who feels the need to talk about their wellbeing, albeit mental or physical. All matters that participants talk to the Event Safe People about will be handled discreetly and will remain private. The Event Safe People are appointed yearly within the board of EYP The Netherlands, and are overseen by the National Safe Person.
The current Event Safe People are Suzanne van Spijker and Aniek Wiegand. If you, as a participant at an official or unofficial event of EYP The Netherlands, would like to talk about any issues regarding your well being at or in regards to these events, do not hesitate to contact the Event Safe People at [email protected] or [email protected]. If you have any issues which you do not feel comfortable discussing with the Event Safe People, you can also contact our National Safe Person.
The Code of Conduct This document serves as a set of rules for events organised or hosted by European Youth Parlidament the Netherlands. By signing up for an event of EYP the Netherlands, participants agree with and abide by these rules. The code of conduct prohibits drug use, drinking alcohol stronger than 15%, or alcohol use under minors. It also explicitly mentions our strict attitude against bullying, intimidation or harassment. Behaviour that is not in line with our Code of Conduct can result in reprimands, expulsion of the event at the participant’s own expense or legal action in the case of unlawful behaviour.
Emergency Response Officer Suzanne van Spijker will be present at all overnight events as an Emergency Response Officer (in Dutch: Bedrijfshulpverlener). She received an accreditation by Stichting Bedrijfshulpverlening Nederland (Stibened) which is renewed every year with a practical training course.
At our events, she will be the main point of contact to go to in case of an injury or any other medical situation. At every overnight event, she will receive the necessary information from the venues to be able to lead an evacuation in case of an emergency.