As warfare moves online, cybersecurity becomes relevant to our defense and security as a continent. With the reliability of cryptography being challenged by the potential invention of the quantum computer, coupled with the increasing threat of hackers, how should the EU proceed to ensure its cyber security?

Submitted by: Quinten Baan (NL), Giada Chessa (IT), Goos Kuijper (NL), Harsh Mishra (NL), Jurgen Pels (NL), Victor Peutz (NL), Ruben Rosaria (NL), Jennah Said (NL), Stella Naudts (Chairperson NL)

The European Youth Parliament,

  1. Alarmed by potential data leaks due to quantum cyberattacks in combination with the lack of potential defense mechanisms, 
  2. Noting with deep concern the ever growing risk of the EU being sidelined in the race for quantum supremacy1,
  3. Concerned that the invention of quantum computers in the future may cause unfair competition between companies,
  4. Deeply disturbed by signs of computer illiteracy amongst legislators and politicians in Member States,
  5. Emphasising the need to ensure and stimulate further cooperation between Member States with regards to:
    1. laying down a Quantum Communication Infrastructure2 in order to stimulate a fully capable Quantum Key Distribution3 to protect EU citizens,
    2. ways to protect EU citizen data from hackers and other foreign entities,
  6. Aware of the fact that the accelerating progress of the invention of the quantum computer does not currently play a comparative role in legislative decision-making;

Digital Literacy

  1. Hopes that the European Commissionwill provide  ENISA4 and EuroQCI with a more prominent advisory role in decision-making on cybersecurity and quantum cryptography;
  2. Strongly encourages Member States to cooperate with ENISA and EuroQCI on matters such as education of government officials on quantum technology and cybersecurity;


  1. Asks the Directorate-General for Communication Networks, Content and Technology5 (DG CONNECT) to assess the risks and opportunities of quantum technology in the EU in cooperation with the Council of Europe and relevant non-governmental organisations;
  2. Requests the European Commission to impose financial sanctions on Member States in the case of power abuse regarding unauthorized surveillance of citizens;
  3. Calls upon the European Commision to establish an accord with the USA for exchanging knowledge on quantum computers and the QCI system;

Protective Infrastructure

  1. Urges the European Commission to increase funding into the Quantum Technologies Flagship project for development pivotal to quantum infrastructure and communication;
  2. Implores the European Commission to strengthen the ties between Member States’ cybercrime agencies by expanding ENISA;
  3. Strongly urges all Member States to critically evaluate existing cyber security of government appointed organisations holding citizens’ vulnerable data;
  4. Requests Member States to facilitate easy and transparent access to information  between European academic institutions regarding quantum technology.


  1. Quantum Supremacy describes a point when the quantum computer has abilities superior to classic computers, it has a clear advantage over the classic computer.
  2. Quantum Communication Infrastructure (QCI) is an infrastructure which protects information and data, by employing the Quantum Key Distribution. The EU is currently investing heavily in the development of a QCI.
  3. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a form of encryption which cannot be broken by quantum computers. Furthermore, when the QKD is under attack, a defense mechanism kicks in and the recipient will be alerted immediately to this attempt.
  4. ENISA is the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, which works on EU cybersecurity policies, the trustworthiness of ICT and cooperates with Member States and EU bodies.
  5. The Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) is a part of the European Commission which works with the aim of making Europe a global leader in data economy and cybersecurity.