The final Regional Selection Conference of the 2021-2022 cycle will take place January 15th and 16th 2022. Because of the strict lockdown prohibiting physical events until the 14th, and potentially later, Maastricht 2022 goes digital! On this webpage participant can find the necessary links and materials to prepare for a weekend of online teambuilding and debating. Feel free to use the contact details when you have questions.
Maastricht 2022
After 1,5 day of hard work, the committees have delivered resolutions for their topics. They will be debated during General Assembly on Sunday.
Welcome words from the Leadership
Welcome words from the Head-Organisers
Dear delegates and Officials of Maastricht 2022,
First of all, we want to thank you all for signing up to this Regional Selection Conference of EYP The Netherlands. We have been working on the session for a long time and we are thrilled to finally officially welcome you!
From the start, our goal for this conference was to celebrate what we found the best aspect of EYP ever since we started: making connections with others. This concept shaped the session from the beginning and it became the cornerstone for the vision of the session: ‘Building Bridges and Breaking Barriers’.
During Maastricht 2022 we want to create an environment that makes everyone feel appreciated, heard and inspired. We want to actively work making connections and lowering the threshold within teams, between different teams and most importantly between Officials and delegates.
Most importantly, we want this session to be about you. We want you to feel good and to experience everything EYP has to offer in the most wonderful way. To achieve this, we invite everyone to come to Maastricht with an engaged and curious attitude, but most importantly with an open mind.
We can’t wait to meet you,
Morris and Jelle

Welcome words from the President
Dear reader,
A very warm welcome to Maastricht 2022 – Regional Selection Conference of EYP the Netherlands! I’m so happy to welcome all of you to this event and hopefully give you a unique and exciting experience as a taste of EYP.
For many of you, this will be the first time participating in a physical EYP Session, and I’m so excited to show you everything that it has to offer. Over the course of the coming weeks, you will have the opportunity to get to know many new people, learn about important political topics, and, hopefully, have fun. Maastricht 2021 is not a very long EYP event, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be very impactful. I invite all of you to use our time together efficiently and seize any opportunity to learn and enjoy yourself. I hope that doing that will allow you to turn this into a rewarding experience that encourages you to continue your EYP journey to many other places.
For now, I hope your holiday season is going nice, and you are not too stressed over anything that school, or work usually have to offer at this time of the year. Remember to take some time for yourself before the session, but also get to know everyone you’ll be working with, and if it’s relevant for you, familiarise yourself with the interesting topics you’ll be discussing!
See you soon,

Welcome words from the Editors
Dear all,
We are thrilled to welcome you to this Regional Seleciton Conference of EYP the Netherlands. Welcome to a place where, we hope, you can learn and grow, exchange with others, express yourself, and above all have fun. We want to say how excited we are to be taking on this project and to be working with such an incredible collection of individuals.
The theme of the session “Shifting Lenses: Building bridges and breaking barriers” emphasizes a vision we cherish: indeed, we see the EYP as place that is all about sharing cherishable moments with others – breaking barriers -, and learning from it -building bridges. EYP has taken a huge part in both our lives, because this organisation brought us a lot, and still offers room to grow and develop itself. We hope that you are as thrilled as we are to be part of a team that has set out to create a safe space for everyone involved.
We wish to bring to you media material that you can relate too, empathize with and thoroughly engage in. Afterall, what is the point of media if not to invoke thought and promote an exchange of ideas?
But beyond the media projects, the debates and the many other things that we have come to identify as staples within any session, we urge you to take a moment during the hubbub of all this to be present and mindful of your surroundings. This session is yours to take and make the best out of, so remember to look up every now and then and take it all in. And just in case you miss anything, the media team will be there to capture it all too.
Editorially yours,
Malou & Michaël

Welcome words from the Head of Jury
Dear participants of Maastricht 2022,
Welcome to Maastricht! I am so excited to see you all in the most European city of the Netherlands. Back in 1992, the Maastricht treaty was signed here, which started the process towards having the Euro as a single currency. Now, 30 years later, you’ll be discussing European issues in this historical city. Some of my best experiences with EYP have been in Maastricht, and I cannot wait for you to have your first encounter with EYP here. You are about to start what could become a great adventure. So, take this chance and discover what the world of EYP has to offer!
I am the Head of Jury, and during the session we will be there to listen to what you have to say. The jury will be responsible for writing a selection report that determines who will be invited to the National Conference. However, that’s not the most important thing. Regardless of if you are selected, every one of you will be an EYP’er after this weekend, a part of our organization, and free to go to other sessions abroad or online. Having said that, I hope you will all make the most of the weekend, gain valuable experiences, learn a lot, and most importantly have fun.
See you soon,

What is EYP?
The European Youth Parliament (EYP) encourages independent thinking and initiative in young people and facilitates the learning of crucial social and professional skills. Since it was founded in 1987, hundreds of thousands of young people have taken part in Regional, National and International Conferences, formed friendships and made international contacts across and beyond borders. The EYP has thus made a vital contribution towards European unity and bridging gaps between cultures. The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a unique educational programme which brings together young people from all over Europe to discuss current topics in a parliamentary setting. As a network of independent associations, EYP is present in 40 European countries and organises almost 600 events every year. The EYP network organises almost 1.500 days of EYP activity every year, involving close to 35.000 participants. Thousands of young people are active as volunteers all over Europe, making EYP a programme truly for young people, by young people.
What is a Regional Selection Conference?
Your first introduction to a conference by the EYP is a Regional Selection Conference. During this weekend, you will get the chance to meet many new people from all over The Netherlands, as well as people from all over Europe. On Saturday, you will start with a morning of Teambuilding and an afternoon of discussing your topic. You will form the Operative Clauses of the topic of your committee and work closely within your committee, under the guidance of your Chairperson. On Sunday, we will have the General Assembly. During this, all resolutions and clauses will be thoroughly debated by all participants. Aer these debates, you will get the opportunity to vote and see which resolutions pass and which donʼt. In between all the serious work, there is also room for a lot of fun activities, such as an evening programme.
What's next?
After the Regional Selection Conference, it is possible for you to continue to the National Selection Conference. This conference will take place in February in Rotterdam and will be a bit longer, as well as more in depth into the topics you discuss. A jury team will be attending the conference which will evaluate all participants and select delegates for the National Selection Conference.
However, regardless of the selection result, you are still an Alumnus of EYP The Netherlands. This means that you are free to join any of our social events, alumni weekends or conferences, but you can also apply to go to conferences abroad! This is a unique opportunity to get to know other countries, other people and other cultures while simultaneously getting to know yourself. To explore the opportunities for EYP NL Alumni, check out our EYP Roadmap.
Friday 14/01/2022
13.00-13.30: Check-in
13.30-14.00: Welcome Words
14:00-15.30: Teambuilding
15.30-16.00: Coffee Break
16.00-18.00: Teambuilding
18.00-20.00: Dinner
20.00-??.??: Optional evening programme
Saturday 15/01/2022
09.30-10.00: Check-in
10.00-11.30: Teambuilding
11.30-12.30: Lunch
12.30-14.00: Committee Work
14.00-14.30: Coffee Break
14.30-16.00: Committee Work
16.00-16.30: Coffee Break
16.30-18.00: Committee Work
18.00-20.00: Dinner
20.00-??.??: Optional evening programme
Sunday 16/01/2022
09.00-09.30: Check-in
09.30-11.00: General Assembly
11.00-11.30: Coffee Break
11.30-13.00: General Assembly
13.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.30: General Assembly
15.30-16.00: Coffee Break
16.00-16.45: General Assembly
16.45-17.30: Closing ceremony
The EYP must be a safe and comfortable environment for everyone. During the entire duration of this conference (from arrival on Saturday until departure on Sunday), the evening activities included, we will follow a zero-tolerance policy regarding drugs. As the legal drinking age in the Netherlands is 18 and almost all of the participants will be minors, alcohol is also prohibited during the conference.
EYP is a safe environment for everyone, regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability or other grounds. Bullying, sexual intimidation or discrimination will not be tolerated and will also be subject to a zero-tolerance policy. The EYP has two Event Safe People (“Evenement vertrouwenspersonen”) present at every event: Suzanne van Spijker ([email protected]) and Aniek Wiegand ([email protected]). You can speak to them about any situation in a safe and confidential manner. These people are guided by our National Safe Person (“Vertrouwenspersoon op nationaal niveau”), Luc Vorsteveld, who can be reached at 087-7840302 or [email protected].
By signing up for this event, you have agreed to these rules. EYP the Netherlands (Stichting Europees Jeugdparlement Nederland) reserves the right to exclude anyone who displays unacceptable behaviour from the event.
Topic Overviews
In order to help you research your committee topics and prepare for the General Assembly debates of other committees, the Academic Team has written Topic Overviews. It is recommended to read the Topic Overview of the committee you are assigned to before the conference.