Topic Overview Delft 2021


Topic Overview Delft 2021

“A 2018 Eurostat survey revealed that 16.5% of the 20-34 olds in the EU were neither in employment nor in education and training (NEETs). Taking into account the tendency towards automatization and digitalization of jobs, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, how should the EU facilitate the integration of youth into a more competitive labour market?”

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Topic Overview Delft 2021

Atomic future? “Accounting for over half of the EU’s carbon-free electricity, nuclear power is regarded by some as a key component of a sustainable energy production model. With divergent energy policies among Member States and an increasingly negative public opinion towards nuclear power, what stance should the EU adopt on the usage of nuclear power?”

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Topic Overview Delft 2021

“The United States’ inability to detect and disrupt the interferences in the 2016 presidential election was a demonstration of how new information technologies might affect our decision-making. How should the EU and its Member States work against information warfare and ensure the stability of our democracy?”

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Topic Overview Delft 2021

The extent of liberty: “As of October 2020, a near 4 million COVID-19 cases have been reported in the EU/EEA and the UK. Anticipating the introduction of a vaccine in 2021, how should the EU tackle the issue of anti-vaccination and enforcement of public health norms whilst respecting citizens’ freedom of choice?”

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