Breda 2021

This webpage contains all organisational information, academic content and media output of Breda 2021, a Regional Selection Conference of EYP The Netherlands. The event will take place 27th to 28th of November in the city of Breda and the session is head-organised by Eva Wildöer and Fleur Kiliaan.


Media Team Projects of Breda 2021

Hello everyone!!

We have already written to all of you a few times before, however this time we are officially welcoming you to our session: the Regional Selection Conference of Breda 2021!

The two of us together have been planning and organising this session for a few months now and we are beyond excited to see the session take form more and more. Together with our amazing organising team, we will be in charge of the organisational aspect of the session, making sure everybody is happy and fulfilled!

With our organising team we want to make the session run as smoothly as possible and make everybody feel at home. This aligns with our vision for the session Shifting lenses: Planting the seeds of progress. The goal of this team is to help guide everyone throughout the session regarding food, transfers, administrations and much more! Our vision is to make this session as inclusive as possible, to make everyone feel welcome and respected and to allow room for kindness and acceptance.

Especially since Covid happened it is exciting to gather with so many people again in order to create an amazing session. We are looking forward to seeing happy faces in real life again!!

We hope that all of you are just as enthused as we are!!!

Lots of love,

Eva and Fleur, Head-organisers of RSC Breda 2021

Dear participants, 

I am extremely happy you will be joining us in Breda and would like to give you a warm welcome to the session! You have every reason to be excited about this upcoming adventure, filled with fun, new friendships and self-development. It is my absolute pleasure to be leading the team the Delegates will be in closest contact with! We have been working hard to ensure you have the best experience possible, polishing the topics that will be discussed at the session and preparing to bring fun times for all. We will pay special attention to participants’ wellbeing, producing high quality yet easily understandable academic content and making sure everyone has a good time and gets something out of this experience, be it on a personal or academic level. 

EYP is a place for trial, failure, learning, discovering, improving and growing, so I highly encourage you to approach this opportunity open to pushing and exploring your skills and boundaries. The academic team will be by your side to support you every step of the way. We hope we will succeed in making all of you feel comfortable enough to show your true self and let your potential shine through! 

Wishing you all the best and see you soon! 

Anastasia President of RSC Breda 2021

Dear participants,

I am excited to see everyone at the session and take cool pictures and videos of everyone. My media team will design cool projects where you can participate and create unforgettable memories. The aim is to have a great media output that will capture the session’s atmosphere and keep it alive for many years after the session. 

We are lucky to have the chance to have a physical session after 1,5 years of online sessions. It almost feels unreal to go back to the old format where everyone will gather in person and meet each other in real life. I believe that this session will be special and unforgettable just because it will be the first physical session for many people and others will appreciate it much more because they have been missing the old format. 

The Media Team is beyond excited to capture these special moments, therefore, our cameras are ready, and we will see you soon in Breda!

kindest regards,

Zhina Editor of RSC Breda 2021

Dear participants,

I want to start off this statement by wishing all of you a warm welcome to the session. If you would have asked me when I started EYP where I would see myself in my EYP career in a couple of years, my answer would not have entailed writing these words of welcome as Head of Jury. That said, I hope Breda 2021 is as much of a transitional experience for you as it was for me two years ago. I hope you get the opportunity to learn, the opportunity to grow, and the opportunity to discover yourself just that little bit more.

I cannot wait to see you in the wonderful city of Breda!


Heleen, Head of Jury of RSC Breda 2021



The European Youth Parliament (EYP) encourages independent thinking and initiative in young people and facilitates the learning of crucial social and professional skills. Since it was founded in 1987, hundreds of thousands of young people have taken part in regional, National  and International Conferences, formed friendships and  made international contacts across and beyond borders. The  EYP has thus made a vital contribution towards European unity  and bridging gaps between cultures. The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a unique educational  programme which brings together young people from all over Europe  to discuss current topics in a parliamentary setting. As a network  of independent associations, EYP is present in 40 European  countries and organises almost 600 events every year. The  EYP network organises almost 1.500 days of EYP activity  every year, involving close to 35.000 participants. Thousands of young people are active as volunteers all over Europe, making EYP a programme truly for young people, by young people.


Your first introduction to a conference by the EYP is a Regional  Selection Conference. During this weekend, you will get the chance  to meet many new people from all over The Netherlands, as well as people from all over Europe. On Saturday, you will start with  a morning of teambuilding and an afternoon of discussing  your topic. You will form the Operative Clauses of the  topic of your committee and work closely within your  committee, under the guidance of your Chairperson. On Sunday, we will have the General Assembly.  During this, all resolutions and clauses will  be thoroughly debated by all participants.  After these debates, you will get the  opportunity to vote and see which resolutions pass and which don’t.  In between all the serious work, there is also room  for a lot of fun activities,  such as an evening  programme and EuroVillage.


After the Regional Selection Conference, it is possible for you to continue to the National Selection Conference. This conference will take place in  February in Rotterdam and will be a bit longer, as well as more in depth into the topics you discuss. A jury team will be  attending the conference which will evaluate all participants and select delegates for the National  Selection Conference. 

However, regardless of the selection result, you are  still an Alumni of EYP The Netherlands. This means that  you are free to join any of our social events, alumni weekends  or conferences, but you can also apply to go to conferences  abroad! This is a unique opportunity to get to know other  countries, other people and other cultures while simultaneously  getting to know yourself!.


The EYP must be a safe and comfortable environment for everyone. During the  entire duration of this conference (from arrival on Saturday until departure  on Sunday), the evening activities included, we will follow a zero-tolerance  policy regarding drugs. As the legal drinking age in the Netherlands is 18,  and almost all of the participants will be minors, alcohol is also prohibited  during the conference. It is essential for your own safety and for the sake of  organisation that all of you stay inside the areas where the conference is taking  place. This means that you are not allowed to leave the school grounds on  Saturday or the GA venue area on Sunday. As we also care about your health,  we aim to provide nutritious and plenty of food, drinks and relaxation time at  the conference. It will not be necessary to bring your own food or drinks –  apart from the Eurovillage dinner – or any pocket money to buy snacks, but  it is allowed. 

EYP is a safe environment for everyone, regardless of ethnicity, gender,  age, sexual orientation, disability or other grounds. Bullying, sexual  intimidation or discrimination will not be tolerated and will also be subject  to a zero-tolerance policy. The EYP has two Event Safe People (“Evenement 

vertrouwenspersonen”) present at every event: Suzanne van Spijker ([email protected])  and Aniek Wiegand ([email protected]). You can speak to them about  any situation in a safe and confidential manner. These people are guided by  our National Safe Person (“Vertrouwenspersoon op nationaal niveau”), Luc Vorsteveld, who can be reached at 087-7840302 or [email protected]

By signing up for this event, you have agreed to these rules. EYP The  Netherlands (Stichting Europees Jeugdparlement Nederland) reserves the  right to send anyone home who displays unacceptable behaviour.


To keep this session safe and Covid-free for all participants, we will make use of CoronaCheck QR Codes. These codes will be checked every 24 hours by our organising team. You can obtain this QR code through:

  • Proof of full vaccination
  • Proof of recovery no older than 6 months
  • Proof of a negative test result (Antigen or PCR) no older than 24 hours

Delegates are expected to arrive with a QR code on Saturday morning. The organising team will provide all participants with testing opportunities throughout the session. If you have to get your QR-code renewed during the session, please contact our Delegate Support Organiser Ruben Rosaria ([email protected]). Please make sure to let our organiser know before Friday the 19th of November.

Additionally, if you are experiencing Covid symptoms of any kind, please get tested before attending the session! Even if it feels like a regular cold, we want to be on the safe side. No negative test result and symptoms means no admission to the session!

For any concerns regarding CoronaCheck or any other problems, please contact Head-Organiser Eva Wildöer ([email protected]). 

Thank you to our sponsors who made this session possible:

For any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us!

Officials Support: [email protected]

Delegate Support: [email protected]